Becoming a Fellow of the PSA

To upgrade your membership, you need to understand the criteria and application process

There are two routes to Fellowship.

  • Route A: income £50,000 per year + 20 R&C points
  • Route B: income £25,000 per year + 40 R&C points

To be accepted as a PSA Fellow, you’ll need 2 Sponsors.

They will assess you against the 5 top-level criteria you need to meet:

  1. Sponsorship
  2. Credibility (C)
  3. Financial (F)
  4. Respect & Connection (R&C)
  5. Excellence (E)

Take the first step, and read the Applicant Guide

This guide explains each of the criteria, their respective requirements, and the points system. It also includes a handy checklist at the end, so you can confirm you have everything ready before you submit your application.

You will also need the Guide to Testimonials. Send this to your clients as you’ll need to collect feedback from them about the service you delivered for them.

Finally, when you’re ready, you can submit your application online, here.

If you’ve been asked to Sponsor a member to upgrade to Fellowship, please read the Sponsor Guide


Get support from the PSA

We’re here to help you. Being part of the PSA community means having access to the resources you need in times of need. Rest assured, all Foundation applications remain entirely confidential.

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Support our members

If you would like to make a donation to the PSA Foundation and support your community, please click the donate button below.

You can donate cash, gift a place to a regional meeting or a conference, or provide an auction item that will raise funds at one of our conventions.

On behalf of your fellow members, thank you.

Donate via PayPal
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