Belonging is Just the Beginning

Your Journey to Joining the PSA Speaking Community Starts Here

Membership options

Choosing the right membership for you

Start here

Associate Member

£180 per year
Associate Members are people who want to use speaking to promote their businesses; or they aspire to be paid to speak or deliver training. They have some experience of speaking in front of an audience.
Upgrade to professional

Professional Member

£275 per year
Professional Members are those who are using speaking to promote their business and are being paid to speak. They want to take their business to the next level, by improving their speaking skills and business competences.
Upgrade to fellow

PSA Fellow

£325 per year
Professional Members are invited to become Fellows of the PSA, once they meet certain criteria in relation to their speaking business and their commitment to the PSA. Read the Fellows' Criteria to see if you are ready to upgrade your membership.
Fellows’ Criteria

Looking for more guidance on membership options?

We know that there's a membership level right for you, and we are ready to answer any questions you have. Contact us today and we'll help you to join our community.
The first step

Take the first step to connection

This is your opportunity to connect with relatable, knowledgeable businesses through speaking.
Meet speakers who share your purpose, vision and ambition.

To achieve your goals, surround yourself with people from diverse walks of life with a shared motivation to succeed. We value connection, strive for excellence and respect one another.

Join us today and learn the skills you need from the professional speakers who know.

Reasons to join us

As a PSA member, you have access to:

Supportive community

Joining the PSA means being surrounded and supported by a community of members who share advice and expertise to improve each other's business.

CPD and PSA Partnership

This CPD benefit is for Professional and Fellow members only. If you hold this membership level, you can have your training courses, workshops, and even your keynote speeches CPD accredited at a massively discounted fee, exclusive to the PSAUK&I.

Countrywide coverage

The PSA runs in-person events throughout the UK and Ireland and a regular virtual events. Wherever you are, you can find help, support and a PSA community ready to welcome you.

Frequent events

We're all about connection! With regional events each month all over the country and two National Conventions every year, a new connection is always just a conversation away. Join in and take part.

Speakers' Hub

Expand your knowledge and grow your business. Access a wealth of resources in our library of videos, created specifically by speakers for speakers. Visit the Speakers' Hub.
Our members

What do our members think of our community?

Amy Rowlinson

Professional Member

Being part of the PSA has been the most incredible experience. It has brought me so much richness of knowledge. It’s been inclusive in nature and diverse in thought and industry, with access to a huge breadth of expertise. My mission as a Regional President was to share what I've got from the PSA, professionally and personally. Who do you know who could benefit from being a member of this organisation? Reach out to them today and welcome them in.

Kunle Orankan

Associate Member

As a new member it feels like home for me to be at the PSA. I had such a warm welcome at my local regional event, got outstanding value for my time and had a blast with the people who attended.

Bryony Thomas

PSA Fellow

The PSA is an amazing organisation to be part of. I count it amongst my one of my safest spaces, where I go for support, for learning and for people who I know will help to rise me up. It's an organisation that has helped me in so many ways, both personally and professionally. Come along to one of the regional events or one of the conferences. I know you won’t regret it. I promise you will meet some wonderful people within the association.

Stephen Whitton

Professional Member

I've been member of the PSA for a number of years and it's really in the last couple of years that everything has come to life for me. I put that down to the PSA being inclusive, being diverse and being equal. I've never worked with such a diverse group of people from all walks of life, which is refreshing. They're very inclusive and very welcoming. We're all equal.

Elsa Caleb

Associate Member

Within the PSA the members are there for you. They are also dedicated to their craft and they share their skills and experience with you. If you’re a dedicated person and you want to continue to learn, the PSA is for you. I’m an Associate member, surrounded with professionalism and such fantastic people. If you’re running a business, you know you can’t do it alone. Why not come on board with the PSA to enjoy the range of support you can get from other professionals?
Frequently asked questions

More information about our membership options

How do I join the PSA?

The easiest way to join our community is by becoming an Associate Member.

How much does it cost to join the PSA?

The cost of membership depends on the level at which you join. Associate Membership costs £180 per year. Professional Membership costs £275 per year. Fellowship costs £325 per year.

What are the differences between the grades of membership?

Associate Members are people who are taking up a career involving professional speaking. You have probably done some public speaking already and you’d like to learn how to build a business from it.

Professional Members are people who are speaking professionally, delivering training, keynotes, workshops and seminars, as a major part of their businesses. You are looking to take your business and your speaking skills to the next level.

Fellows are highly experienced speakers who are deemed by their peers to be excellent at speaking and running a successful speaking business.

How many events can I attend before I join?

The best way to find out if the PSA is for you, is to come to some of our regional events. You’re very welcome to join us at a couple of events, as a guest.

How do I complain about members?

If you have any reason to complain about a member of the PSA, please contact our Ethics Officer. They will speak to you about your complaint, in total confidence, in order to take the appropriate action. All our members agree to our Code of Ethics when they join the PSA and we take breaches of this professional code extremely seriously.

Who can I talk to if I have more questions to ask?

Call our friendly team on 0333 444 8910 or send us a message via the form on the Contact page.

Need some help

Need some help choosing the right membership?