Want to Learn to Speak Professionally? The PSA Might Not Yet be the Place for You
14th June 2023 | By Chantal Cornelius
We love receiving enquiries from potential members, and we’re always ready to welcome speakers looking to grow their speaking business and learn how to speak better. However, if you’re new to speaking and want to gain speaking experience, the PSA is not the place to begin your speaking journey.
Begin with the Basics
Before becoming a member of the PSA, you need to have the speaking basics sorted. What do we mean by the basics? Here are a few of them:
- How to use your voice effectively and how to project it
- How to use your hands to emphasise your message
- How to get over your nerves – so that you get onto the stage in the first place and then deliver your talk or workshop calmly
- How to stand still, not fidgeting or pacing madly up and down the stage.
There are many more vocal and physical skills you need to master to launch an influential career as a public speaker. To do this, we recommend joining organisations like Toastmasters. They have groups all over the UK and provide great learning options. There are also dozens, if not hundreds, of training courses if you’re starting out. Do some research and sign up for a local group or course to get the right help growing your speaking skills.
Practice, Practice, Practice – The Importance of Stage Time
Organisations like Toastmasters give you the vital opportunity to get quality stage time in order to practice. The PSA is not the right organisation for people who’ve never spoken before or want to get more practice because there is limited stage time for Associate Members – the level at which most new members join. As an Associate Member, you can apply for a 10-minute showcase at any of our regional events – a 10-minute talk where you can practice your skills and receive feedback from other speakers. But showcases are in high demand, and you won’t be able to speak at every event or every month. Alongside Toastmasters, sign up for a course where you can write, deliver, and receive all-important feedback on your speaking performance to help you improve. Other forms of speaking, such as Improv, are also great ways to practice your newfound speaking skills.
It’s Not a No; It’s a Not Yet
Once you’ve built on the basics and got some stage practice, we would love to help you grow your speaking business at the PSA. Make sure you don’t try to run before you can walk. Build your skillset and get help from organisations expressly set up for new speakers. If you’re new to professional speaking, it’s not a no from the PSA; it’s a not yet! When you’re ready, we’ll be here to welcome you into our community when the time is right for you to reap the benefits of joining us.
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- Learn from others
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