Getting started

7th November 2018 | By PSA Team

In my year as National President, I have chosen the theme ‘Relevance – Make it Count!’.

I want to invite all Associates, Professional Members and Fellows to join me on a journey of ensuring that we remain relevant by continually evaluating and improving the way we run our businesses and deliver our work. To stimulate thoughts, I will be sending out monthly messages sharing my reflections and ideas on this very big subject. I hope this will spark conversations, and I encourage you to comment and share your thoughts too.

Thank you for the warm welcome that I have received in the PSA Regions I have already visited. PSA South West, PSA North East, PSA Staffs and PSA Ireland have a wonderful buzz and energy and I very much enjoyed my visit with you all.

I look forward to visiting all the other regions in the months to come.



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