
PSA Virtual Region June 2024: How to Create a Virtual Showreel NOW

18 June|09:30 - 11:30|Online - Zoom - See full address

About this event

Are you ready to take centre stage in your professional journey with a brand new showreel?

Join us for a dynamic event that unveils the secrets of creating a compelling virtual showreel that will captivate your audience and open doors to new global speaking opportunities!

In this engaging and highly interactive session, Julian Mather will guide you through the art of showreel creation, providing you with actionable insights and strategies to empower your storytelling.

Whether you’re an aspiring speaker, presenter, or professional seeking to showcase your skills, this event will equip you with the tools to make your virtual showreel shine.

Join us to unlock the potential of your virtual showreel and accelerate your professional success. Don’t miss this opportunity to shine like a star in the digital spotlight!

Your key takeaways:

  • How to create a script that really sells
  • How to make the showreel visually appealing
  • And how to make it fast and inexpensive

You will also learn a lot from the showcase slot , where Emma Mackie will be showcasing her talk and everyone will get involved with providing valuable feedback.

Keynote speakers

Julian Mather
Julian Mather

For as long as he could remember Julian Mather wanted to be a photojournalist. Then he got sidetracked. While army sniper seemed like a good idea at the time, he found the telescopic sights of his rifle were starting to look more and more like a movie camera, and so he fell in love with film-making.

So began his twenty-five years as a globe-trotting TV cameraman for ABC TV, BBC, National Geographic and Discovery Channel. He was awarded the highest distinction for cinematography by The Australian Cinematographers Society and entitled to use the letters A.C.S. after his name.

His was a ringside view of life where he met and filmed some of the world’s greatest, most famous and even the notorious; travelled the world; witnessed the highs and lows of human nature and had his own ideas and ambitions challenged.

A ten-year journey started from behind the camera to in front of it. Julian became:

An accomplished author of ‘Second Best Job in the World’ (published by Harper Collins)
A polished magician and stage performer
A viral YouTube success – with over 30 million views and 140,000 subscribers
Co-creator of the world’s first online training academy for professional children’s entertainers
Creator of Confident Video Presenter Academy – online and on-site video training for business
Julian did a ‘Steven Bradbury’. He won a Golden Guitar – Australian country music’s version of a Grammy – despite being the least musical person in Australia.
And somewhere amongst all that, climbed mountains, and raised a family.
His longest journey of all? was starting life as a stutterer to being a professional keynote speaker presenting to Australian and international audiences.

Now he shares with audiences his greatest gift: the ability to change.

Event agenda

Official start, networking and more
Showcase: Emma Mackie
Masterclass with Julian Mather on How to Create a Virtual Showreel NOW
Official Finish
Unofficial after party!

The venue

Online – Zoom

Online Zoom

Get in touch with the organiser

Olga Geidane

PSA Virtual Region President

Buy tickets for:

PSA Virtual Region June 2024: How to Create a Virtual Showreel NOW

Event details

Online Zoom

Ticket types

Members Earlybird
 - £20
  + VAT
Members Standard
 - £25
  + VAT
First Time Visitor
 - £20
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £40
  + VAT