
PSA Thames Valley March 2024: Stand Out with Sales and Marketing for the Scared

21 March|15:30 - 20:30|Green Park Conference Centre - Reading - See full address

About this event

This month at PSA Thames Valley we have an event to help you Stand Out with Sales and Marketing for the scared!


Simon Hazeldine, legendary PSA sales trainer, says “The ability to sell yourself and what you do is vital for any speaking business. However, selling is something that a lot of speakers find challenging and are anxious about. That is all about to change when you learn the art of selling without selling!”

Simon will be leading a workshop where you will learn:

  1. The 3 sales success factors you must have in place. Once you have these in place your success is guaranteed.
  2. A simple, tried and tested, step by step process that will skyrocket your success
  3. The big mistake that most speakers make. By avoiding this mistake, you will be able to set yourself apart from your competitors.


This will be followed by a hybrid panel discussion with Simon Hazeldine, Rachael Edmonson-Clarke, Charlie Whyman and Ben Afia, who will be combining their wisdom to explore the relationships between sales, marketing and branding.


We will then have our networking supper, followed by showcases, a chance for members to try out new material and gain feedback in a supportive environment.


We will then have a workshop from Charlie Whyman:

Marketing is one of the biggest causes of stress and overwhelm for speakers, and one of the biggest challenges for many speakers is knowing where to start.
In this highly interactive and engaging workshop, you’ll create your very own marketing plan in less than an hour. It will be simple, it will work with however much time and money you want to work with, and it will fit on one page!
This is NOT your typical marketing workshop – you’re not going to learn the theory and walk away wondering what to do next. You’re going to leave knowing exactly what you need to do to move your business forwards.
And best of all – you’ll learn how to create a marketing plan that delivers SALES and CUSTOMERS and not just one that looks pretty.
You will leave this workshop with the confidence and clarity to market your business on your terms. A printed worksheet will be provided for you to work on during the workshop and take away with you.
You will also leave with:
  • A one-page Marketing Plan
  • Clarity around who you need to be marketing to and what marketing channels to focus on
  • Time management tips so that you can market your business on your terms and avoid working evenings and weekends
  • A marketing tool-kit that doesn’t cost any money to produce or maintain

Keynote speakers

Simon Hazeldine
Rachael Edmondson-Clarke
Regional President - PSA East Midlands
Charlie Whyman
Ben Afia
Simon Hazeldine

Simon Hazeldine works internationally as a keynote and conference speaker, sales transformation consultant and as a sales and negotiation trainer.
He has spoken in over thirty countries and his client list includes some of the world’s largest and most successful companies.
Simon has a master’s degree in psychology, is the bestselling author of eight books that have been endorsed by a host of business leaders including multi-billionaire business legend Michael Dell and is co-founder of the UK’s leading sales podcast “The Sales Chat Show”.

Rachael Edmondson-Clarke - Regional President - PSA East Midlands

Rachael Edmonson-Clarke helps leaders transform behaviours so they can create high performing teams and achieve their strategic goals without resistance.

For many years she worked as a marketing manager and she sold both Thorntons chocolates and Whiskas cat food. She claims to have eaten both, but not necessarily at the same time!

Rachael is also the current regional President of PSA East Midlands.

Event agenda

Doors open for networking
Introduction and opening activities
Simon Hazeldine Sales Workshop
Hybrid panel
Networking supper
Workshop from Charlie Whyman

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

John  Hayns

Regional President - PSA Thames Valley

Buy tickets for:

PSA Thames Valley March 2024: Stand Out with Sales and Marketing for the Scared

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
+ VAT and fees
Members Standard
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First Time Visitors
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Non Members
+ VAT and fees