
PSA Thames Valley June 2024: Stand Out with (Appropriate) Humour

20 June|15:30 - 20:30|Green Park Conference Centre - Reading - See full address

About this event

Katie Allen and Anita Phagura will lead an EDI workshop that will examine the pitfalls we can fall into and provide us with knowledge and tips so that we can speak without putting our feet in it.

Jeremy Nicholas will teach us how to tickle up our keynote to add humour to enhance the effectiveness of our communication.

And, of course, we will have the usual fun, interactivity and networking that is part and parcel of a PSA Thames Valley meeting.

Keynote speakers

Anita Phagura & Katie Allen
Jeremy Nicholas
Anita Phagura & Katie Allen

Anita Phagura specialises in helping project leaders, predominantly in male-dominated industries such as construction, to upskill their inclusive leadership competencies so that they embed diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at all levels of managing and leading projects. This leads to better project delivery through the retention, engagement and promotion of diverse talent.

Katie Allen is an experienced diversity, equity and inclusion consultant and executive coach, helping you to push boundaries and make change happen. From her time working in in-house HR, she learned how to use the power of coaching to help people access those parts of themselves that make their daydreams a real-life opportunity. She now works with people who want to get more out of their lives but aren’t quite sure how to go about getting it.

Jeremy Nicholas

Jeremy is a former award-winning news broadcaster for BBC TV and Radio. He’s the director of London based Talking Toolbox Ltd, which teaches communication in business. He works with clients on how to pitch for business, craft their core message and nail the delivery.

He speaks at events across the world, for the likes of IBM, Samsung and Boots. His background as a broadcaster is a perfect fit for awards shows. He’s hosted the UK Business Awards, Newspaper of the Year Awards and even The Good Funeral Awards.

He presented the flagship news show The World Today on the BBC World Service and won a Sony Award for his BBC London breakfast show as well as a New York Academy Award for his live commentary at the Hillsborough Disaster. On television he reported for BBC TV News on cheesy ‘and finally’ stories like the face of Elvis appearing on a piece of Stilton. He devised and wrote the TV sports quiz Sick as a Parrot which he presented on Channel 5 and BBC Radio 5 Live. Jem’s taught creative storytelling at the BBC College of Journalism.

In 2015 he was awarded the highest award in his field, the PSAE – Professional Speaking Award of Excellence, becoming the 15th person in history to receive it.

Event agenda

Doors open for networking
Welcome and introduction
Katie Allen & Anita Phagura
Networking supper
Resourcing Session
Jeremy Nicholas
Time to go home...

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

John  Hayns

Regional President - PSA Thames Valley

Buy tickets for:

PSA Thames Valley June 2024: Stand Out with (Appropriate) Humour

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £40
  + VAT
Members Standard
 - £45
  + VAT
First Time Visitors
 - £30
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £60
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