
PSA Thames Valley February 2024: Stand Out with Success

15 February|15:30 - 20:30|Green Park Conference Centre - Reading - See full address

About this event

Are we setting a precedent by presenting two presidents…?

Two visiting PSA Regional Presidents in one meeting – we are spoiling you!

Your happiness hamper and success toolbox will both be overflowing after the techniques, tips and general wholesome nuggets that Dave and Patrick have to impart.

Dave James will teach you about the five pillars of happiness, the one thread that supports all of this, and which of the areas you can focus on to make a huge difference to your wellbeing.

Patrick Mercie will explore:

  • The 4 drivers of Success we all possess already,
  • How to discover them, and
  • How to activate them for greater speaking success.

PLUS all the interactive, fun and energising activities that you have come to expect from an evening at Thames Valley. You may even learn to juggle…

Keynote speakers

Patrick Mercie
MPSA - Commercial Director & Regional President - PSA Ireland
Dave James
Regional President - PSA Birmingham
Patrick Mercie - MPSA - Commercial Director & Regional President - PSA Ireland

Patrick Mercie’s Professional Mission as an Expert Life And Career Design Coach is to get thousands of people each year to take structured steps towards ‘Having A Life While Making A Living’
He does that with in-person coaching, in 3-day boot camp programs, by working with companies on recruitment strategies, and via public speaking, radio work, workshops, and seminars.
He works from YOUR Strengths, Values, Passions, Beliefs, Impact, and Lifestyle.

Dave James - Regional President - PSA Birmingham

As well as being PSA Regional President for Birmingham, Dave James is a life coach, speaker and stand-up comedian.

(Yes, three things that you don’t imagine would ever come together, but here we are…)

In the simplest terms he helps people to:

Be more confident

Be more authentic

His background is healthcare with 25 years working in the NHS as an A&E nurse and a podiatrist.

Event agenda

Door open & Networking
Keynote - Dave James
Networking supper
Keynote - Patrick Mercie

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

John  Hayns

Regional President - PSA Thames Valley

Buy tickets for:

PSA Thames Valley February 2024: Stand Out with Success

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £40
  + VAT
Members Standard
 - £45
  + VAT
First Time Visitors
 - £30
  + VAT
 - £60
  + VAT