
PSA Staffordshire September 2024: Upcycling, Recycling and spotting the imposter chatter!

25 September|17:30 - 21:00|The Potters Club - Staffordshire - See full address

About this event

Join us for another packed event this September at PSA Staffordshire!

With her keynote ‘Upcycling and Recycling – #StandOut with Content Multi-purposing’ – we have Joanne Lockwood:

In the dynamic world of professional speaking, the ability to adapt and repurpose content is not just a skill but a necessity for standing out.

In her workshop, “Upcycling and Recycling – #StandOut with Content Multipurposing” Joanne Lockwood will guide you through the innovative process of transforming your existing content – videos, session recordings, podcasts – into a vibrant array of formats tailored for various platforms. This isn’t just about rehashing old material; it’s about unlocking the hidden potential in your work to create a continuous stream of engaging, fresh content that helps you #StandOut.

Joanne says: “As a Fellow and Chair of The Professional Speaking Association and an Inclusive Culture Expert, I have navigated the challenges and harnessed the opportunities within the ever-evolving content landscape. This session will be a practical deep dive into the art of content multi-purposing, utilising tools and AI to generate new ideas and scripts. Together, we will explore case studies, participate in hands-on activities, and I will share insights from my personal content generation workflow. You’ll learn how to breathe new life into every piece of content you’ve created, transforming them for maximum reach, engagement, and impact.

This interactive workshop is designed for practical application and immediate results. You’ll gain firsthand experience in repurposing a single piece of content into various formats, ensuring each piece resonates with its intended audience while maintaining your unique voice. By adapting your content for different platforms and audiences, you ensure it not only reaches but also engages your audience, helping you #StandOut in a crowded digital space.

The challenge I present is this: How will you revolutionise your approach to content creation as a result of our workshop? Envision your existing content not as finished products but as foundations for new, engaging material that can connect and inspire.

Join me in this journey of transformation, and let’s turn what you already have into what you’ve always needed – a repertoire of content that not only speaks but resonates.”

Are you ready to #StandOut?

Three key takeaways from this session will be:

  1. Mastering the art of repurposing content across multiple platforms, ensuring you #StandOut.
  2. Practical strategies and tools for generating fresh, engaging content ideas.
  3. Actionable techniques for tailoring content to different audiences, optimising reach and engagement.

With her keynote ‘Never Good Enough: understanding and overcoming imposter syndrome’ we have Kate Atkin:

Do you experience a nagging doubt that you could be ‘found out’ or perhaps you put your success down to luck or timing? Have you ever noticed a need to be perfect and avoid making mistakes because they ‘prove’ you are not up to the job? Would you like to feel more confident, and put yourself forward for new projects, opportunities or even promotion?

Many people have a voice inside that says they could do so much more, at work, in their community or at home. The internal chatter is sometimes accompanied by a lack of confidence which can prevent you reaching your potential. Success also comes with its own trials. Many high achievers have an internal voice asking: “did they really mean to promote me?”, “am I really good enough?”, “what if they find me out?”… and it can be really stressful! This could be ‘imposter chatter’, and the irony is that the real frauds don’t tend to experience these thoughts at all.

This event will provide you with an understanding of the imposter syndrome, why it really is a phenomenon, and an indication of whether it might apply to you. You will leave with some key tips on how to spot the imposter chatter in yourselves and how to quieten the internal voice, as well as tips for supporting others (clue: do not tell people they are amazing – it can make their imposter chatter even worse, and you will find out why).

Key takeaways:

  1. Spotting the imposter chatter
  2. Quietening the inner voice
  3. Tips for supporting others

We’ll also have as normal ….

2 x 60 second speakers
A Book education slot

Keynote speakers

Joanne Lockwood
FPSA – Chair of the PSA
Kate Atkin
Joanne Lockwood - FPSA – Chair of the PSA

Joanne Lockwood, Founder and CEO of SEE Change Happen, is an Inclusion and Belonging specialist, speaker, and Fellow of the PSA. She works with organisations throughout the UK, Europe and beyond, challenging corporate mentality, and providing a service that goes far beyond “just” Diversity & Inclusion. Living by the mantra: “Smile, Engage and Educate,” Joanne believes that people are people, whatever their ethnicity, gender and abilities, deserving to be treated with dignity and respect to work well and thrive.

Kate Atkin

Kate Atkin is an inspirational speaker, training consultant and coach.
With over 20 years of experience as a facilitator, Kate has worked with many clients on business, management and communication issues. A highly skilled listener, her style is both supportive and challenging.
Kate comes from a farming background in Lincolnshire and in 2019 moved back to the village she grew up in. She had a successful career with Barclays Bank plc before starting her own learning and development business in September 2000. In 2015 Kate completed an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology which has brought insights into well-being, meaning and positivity that she is incorporating into her work. This also led to opportunities to speak at Cambridge University Judge Business School on their EnterpriseWISE programme and their post-graduate diploma in entrepreneurship. She has also worked with many large corporate clients and the NHS. Kate is continuing with her research, and by September 2024 will have (hopefully) completed a PhD investigating the imposter phenomenon in the workplace.
Kate is author of The Presentation Workout and The Confident Manager, with a third book “Imposters at Work” commissioned by Pearson for publication in February 2025.

Event agenda


The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

Kevin Hayward

Regional President - PSA Staffordshire

Buy tickets for:

PSA Staffordshire September 2024: Upcycling, Recycling and spotting the imposter chatter!

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £35
  + VAT
Members Standard
 - £40
  + VAT
First Time Visitor
 - £27.50
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £55
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