
PSA Staffordshire March 2023: Write the book to get you booked and activate your Secret Salesforce

22 March|17:30 - 21:00|Wade Conference Centre - PSA Staffordshire - See full address

About this event

There’s many ways to leave a lasting impression – one way is to write a book, the other is to have other people say great things about you and we’ve got the experts booked to reveal how you do this:

Sue Richardson: Your Legacy in Black and White: How to create the book to get you booked

They say that every speaker needs a book and there are many speaker books out there that are little more than glorified business cards. Independent publishing consultant and award-winning non-fiction publisher, Sue Richardson believes that the right book, well written, designed, published and distributed will lend you kudos, give you influence and help you make a difference to your world and the lives of others. By committing your passion and purpose to black and white in a book of quality, you will not only attract new opportunities – you will be creating a legacy you can be truly proud of.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to craft your unique message that is aligned with your purpose and story
  • How to build the business case for your book
  • How to create the right book to get you more bookings


Steve Catchick: The Secret Salesforce – Sales through Service

How do you differentiate yourself or your organisation? There is little that stands out in the marketplace for long, if at all. New technology is soon caught up by competitors.

The one distinction is the customer experience, which is today’s competitive battlefield and over which you have total control. It is the difference that makes the difference and can make or break a relationship and either lose or retain a customer.

Many companies now focus on this but are they becoming focused on the process, rather than the customer? Service used to be considered the back door to sales by today it is the key to unlock sales.

In this talk Steve shows how being customer focused, not process focused, whether a large company or a solo-preneur, can drive engagement, reduce churn and win more business

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the 3 archetypes present in every organisation, big or small and how you fit one or all of them at different times
  • Discover why Gandalf was linked to a Saboteur
  • Know the 3 essential elements leading to sales through service
  • Find out how every inter-action is a moment of truth and either adds or subtracts from the emotional bank account


2 Showcases from:

Fee Stevenson – What you need to know booking venues: accessibility is a two way street

Malcom Budd – Living with Disability

A mastermind session
Freshly made sandwiches, nibbles and drinks
Free parking at the venue

Keynote speakers

Sue Richardson
Steve Catchick

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

Buy tickets for:

PSA Staffordshire March 2023: Write the book to get you booked and activate your Secret Salesforce

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £25
  + VAT
Members Late Booker
 - £30
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £30
  + VAT