
PSA Staffordshire 22nd February 2023: Success in 2023 & beyond!

22 February|17:30 - 21:00|Wade Conference Centre - PSA Staffordshire - See full address

About this event

We’re delighted to meet this February with an event all about success in 2023 and beyond!

Tea/Coffee and sandwiches provided.


Keynote – Neerja Singh – The Making of an Age-Smart Speaker

A new diversity has begun to drive human language, politics and our collective emotional and mental health. Generational differences in prejudices, priorities and preferences have become tangible issues today. Generational benevolence can no longer be taken as the given. This unprecedented age diversity demands an informed sensitivity and the conscious practice of compassion. To be an effective speaker/leader across generations in these times of partly-civilized technology, polarities and radical democratization calls for an appreciation of all the fundamental factors involved.

You will learn:
1) Characteristics of the 7 generations alive today @work and @home and @public spaces and the subcultures in between
2) To anticipate generational differences coming up in the man-machine age of intelligence and how to turn them into dividends
3) What generational bridging looks like against the new social dynamics today


Workshop – Kate Trafford – Get There, Love Here! How to set yourself up for authentic, enjoyable success in 2023 and beyond.

Are you driving hard to get results in your business and personal life, but concerned about the price you’re paying with your health, relationships and wellbeing?

If your work feels like a relentless race, you may be following a route map to success that is fundamentally flawed.  But there is another way – a kinder, more humane way – one that can help you achieve and contribute as much if not more.

Kate Trafford is a Master Coach, author and Fellow of the PSA, with over 20 years experience in personal and leadership development.

In this inspiring and interactive workshop session, you will discover: 
· The three keys to turning your relentless race into a truly authentic adventure
· Your most meaningful and energising ‘destination’ for 2023 and beyond, your goal with soul
· Insights into your unique zone of genius, who you are being when at your brilliant best
· How to keep burnout at bay, and still make progress like a pro!


At the PSA we encourage all of our Associate Members and Professional Members to work on improving their speaking skills, and one way we do that is to provide an opportunity for them to have a “showcase”. We provide the opportunity to our members to share part of a talk or a workshop, or perhaps try out a new beginning or a new ending to a talk, perhaps a new story or anything else we are working on to get really valuable constructive feedback from our friends and peers in a supportive, encouraging and professional environment.

If you would like an opportunity to deliver a future showcase, please do contact our Regional President.


If you speak for a living (EG a professional speaker, trainer, presenter in the media) or aspire to do so, then this is the group for you! Also, if you regularly give professional presentations to help showcase or promote your business, this group could really benefit you.

Come for the top speakers, and stay for the networking, Mastermind session, showcase and food/drink!

Keynote speakers

Neerja Singh
Kate Trafford

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

Buy tickets for:

PSA Staffordshire 22nd February 2023: Success in 2023 & beyond!

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £25
  + VAT
Members Standard
 - £30
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £30
  + VAT