
PSA South West March 2023: Spring?? No – LEAP forward as a Speaker!

14 March|18:00 - 21:30|Guyers House Hotel, Chippenham - See full address

About this event

If you enjoy meetings where you sit and listen, then maybe this session is not for you!

Because in the South West this month we are going to be playing games and having so much fun – and the resulting learning is going to massively improve your speaking performance.

So whether you deliver keynotes, run training courses, you’re a podcaster, or you want to create an impact when presenting, this is an event that will improve and hone both skills and confidence.


Title: Play Hard, Present Well

This speaking workshop is like no other. Using improvisation games, you will explore the relationship of space, self, stage and audience. You will develop simple ways to deal with speaker stress. You will learn how to find the flaws in your presentations as well as the essence and find new fun ways to create stories.

You will be having so much fun that you won’t even realise how much you have learned, until you find yourself putting those new skills into place and seeing the results.

By partaking in this workshop you will learn:

  • How to improve your stage presence
  • How to test your speech for trouble
  • How to feel more confident and connected
  • To experiment with how to develop your offer

Our improv workshop leader is Cathy Towers who performs with different groups in comedy improv and longform acting.

Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone and in doing so, grow a whole new and bigger one!


Ask the expert session with Joni Peddie – International Speaker and GSF member

There are very few Professional Speakers who don’t dream of those international events, speaking on those huge stages.  But what does it take to get there?

Joni is here to share what skills she has developed that allows her to travel the world sharing her passion and knowledge as a speaker.  You will also be able to ask her your questions and get answers from someone who has a wealth of experience to draw on.


In this session you will:

  • Learn what skills has helped Joni to move from national to International Speaking
  • Hear what she recommends as the key actions to take to make that transition
  • Be able to have YOUR questions answered
If you want to get closer to make that dream real, come and find out from someone for whom international speaking is a reality.


And we will also squeeze into our fun packed evening, a showcase talk and opportunity to network with other speakers.


Due to the practical nature of our sessions, numbers to this event will be limited, so don’t delay book your ticket now – we won’t be running a session like this in the SW again in 2023!

So come and join us on the 14th March, at the beautiful Guyers House Hotel, Corsham for an evening of fun packed learning like no other!


Keynote speakers

Cathy Towers
Joni Peddie

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

Caroline Cavanagh

Regional President - South West

Buy tickets for:

PSA South West March 2023: Spring?? No – LEAP forward as a Speaker!

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
+ VAT and fees
Members Standard
+ VAT and fees
Non Members
+ VAT and fees