
PSA South West December 2023: What are you going to do differently?

12 December|18:00 - 21:30|Guyers House Hotel, Chippenham - See full address

About this event

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As we come to the end of the year it is often a time to reflect, and a time to plan. And that is exactly what we are going to be doing at our South West meeting.

We are ending the year with a powerful keynote that will have you looking into 2024 through a new lens that will help to make the coming year the best it can be for your speaking business.

And we will be reflecting back (and perhaps dusting off) the skills we have learned throughout 2023 through our PSA meetings and how we can use them to Stand Out in 2024.

Come and end the year with us and celebrate your achievements whilst also creating the foundation to make the next year even better.


Increase Your Speaking Revenue with One Mindset Change – With Paul Archer

Paul made this mindset change in the spring of 2013. Like you, he knew about the benefits of niching your speaking business but had merely played at it. He rid himself of the disease of working for anyone who paid a fee, but he hadn’t embraced niching properly. Until his epiphany in 2013

Revenue climbed every year; he now works fewer hours than in his early career, rarely travels and is recognised as an expert in his field within financial services. A thriving YouTube Channel, a learning management system generating over half of his revenue, nine published books, a membership of over 10,000 people and a corporate client list with regular business.

It’s been ten years; Paul is ready to share his tips, strategies, mistakes, wins and bloopers to help you make the mindset change in 2024

Through Paul’s words of wisdom you will learn how to:

  • Maximise the benefits of niching your marketing efforts, spend less on marketing and get more results
  • Determine and become known as an expert in your niche
  • Utilise more effective referral management techniques now that you are known in your niche
  • Spend more productive time on social media to generate more business
  • Know who your paying clients are and how they buy expertise
  • Tighten up your business prospecting through your CRM, incubation and expertise sharing.
  • Be crystal clear about your “Buyer”, their challenges and needs
  • Know the value you bring and the impact this has on your “Buyers” business
  • Stop being like every other trainer and speaker
  • Command high fees consistently and eliminate low-fee “associate” income

Click here for a taster of all that Paul is going to be sharing 


We are also going to be entering the festive spirit of this time of year with some fun and games that are going to allow you to show off and/or improve your speaking skills in a way that speakers do best! So come along and join in and learn in the best way there is – by having fun!


We also have a showcase from this year’s Speaker Factor Winner, so if you were not at this year’s Speaker’s Summit to hear David Duffet, come along and hear from the man who was voted by the judges as being the best on the day.

Keynote speakers

Paul Archer
Paul Archer

Paul Archer has been hitting the flipcharts and the speaking stages for almost 25 years, his Silver Jubilee. He works exclusively in the financial services sector, providing sales skills development to advisers and support teams ranging from newbies to grizzled veterans. He works with corporate sales directors, financial advisers and heads of HR and operates primarily online. From his studio in Cheltenham, he speaks and trains to audiences worldwide without jumping on planes, trains or automobiles.

Event agenda

Networking and friendship building over coffee
Reflecting, planning and playing! - Somewhere in the middle, a break for refreshments and more networking/friendship building/playing
Homewards bound, or bar bound - the choice is yours!

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

Caroline Cavanagh

Regional President - South West

Buy tickets for:

PSA South West December 2023: What are you going to do differently?

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £30
  + VAT
Members Standard
 - £35
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £50
  + VAT