
PSA South West 12th September 2023: How are you changing?

12 September|18:00 - 21:30|Guyers House Hotel, Chippenham - See full address

About this event

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And by changing, we are not talking about your outfit!!

“Change is the only constant.” Heraclitus (although a few others have claimed it too!!)

And it is fair to say that the change going on in the world we all operate in is significant. The key question is, “What are you doing to adapt?”

Building a speaking business requires two perspectives: What you do within your business, and how you react to those factors going on outside of your business.

So we are going to shine our focus on both these angles so that you can leave with some great actionable knowledge that will make a difference to the business that you are seeking to build and find the balance that gives your business the stability to grow from.

And if speaking is only a small part of your business or work, we are all operating in the same economic climate and you will be able to learn techniques that you can apply to your specific situation.


Title of talk: From Zero to Hero – building a speaking business by Joanne Lockwood

Joanne is just your average everyday woman who built a new career, in a new sector at the age of 52 whilst simultaneously gender transitioning and keeping her family together….. and she’s also a Fellow of the PSA and an Inclusive Culture Expert who in just 6 years, built a speaking business from nothing to £150k annual turnover even through Covid.

And she has done it by adapting to the changing environment.

In her talk she is going to share with us:

  • How to keep on keeping on in the face of change
  • How to identify niches and look for opportunities
  • How you can maximise your PSA membership and leverage the network – something as Chair of the PSA, she is keenly focused on.

Through her talk you will be able to take one thing that you can implement in your business straight away to make a difference


Talk title: Sailing in stormy waters – Survive and thrive in difficult economic times by Bob Bradley

Bob is not offering a magic wand to create a solution to calm the turbulent waters of our economic climate. Nor is he formulaic. He doesn’t believe there is any one ‘right’ way to run a business. There are wrong ways, better ways and worse ways. What matters is what works for you and your business.

In his very interactive talk, Bob is going to provoke you with thoughts, tips and tools that help you to understand the wider economic conditions more clearly and to motivate you to take action to improve your business as a result.

Using his extensive experience of working closely with over 300 business leaders, Bob will share with you some of his 18 thoughts, tips,and tools that business leaders need to deploy to “Survive and thrive in difficult economic times”.

It’s a really practical session. Not about mindset, (although that’s a great starting point,) but about smart, practical actions derived from real experience. Actions with the potential to help your business to capitalise upon the tough times, recession or not, and to be in an even stronger position when the economy begins to resume growth – as it will!


And in addition to these two great talks, we will have a showcase and plenty of time to network and build relationships.


Are you ready to change?

Keynote speakers

Joanne Lockwood
FPSA – Chair of the PSA
Bob Bradley

Event agenda

The kettle will be on so come and start the meeting chatting over a cuppa
Meeting starts
Refreshment break and more networking
Meeting ends

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

Caroline Cavanagh

Regional President - South West

Buy tickets for:

PSA South West 12th September 2023: How are you changing?

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £30
  + VAT
Members Standard
 - £35
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £50
  + VAT