PSA South East June 2023: Dare to be you and present so that people listen
06 June|17:30 - 21:30|Reigate Manor - PSA South East - See full address
About this event
Please join us at The Reigate Manor for another brilliantly positive and fun Professional Speaking Association South East regional event.
Our format is the usual fantastic line up of Professional Keynote Speakers, Member Showcases, Fun Sessions and Discussions.
This year we are looking to demystify what a Professional Speaker is in our world today. That might be a Keynote Speaker, an Emcee, a Podcaster, a Vlogger or maybe you simply have to speak a lot in your job and what to do it more and do it better, we promise to help everyone on their speaking Journey.
We have a packed agenda on 6 June including showcases, entertainment and two excellent keynote headliners:
Shelley Bridgman – Dare to Be You
Why being authentic is more about what it means to you, than it does to anyone else and how when you can Dare to Be you in the deepest possible way, your life will be transformed.
Alastair Greener – Present Yourself so Audiences will Listen
A look at the essential presentation skills we should be using so that you better connect with our audiences and effectively deliver memorable messages.
Early Bird Member Tickets are only £25 + VAT, Standard Tickets for PSA members are £30 +VAT. Guests and non-members are always welcome, Tickets are £35 +VAT. Come and see what we get up too at PSA events.
Venue: Reigate Manor Hotel, RH2 9PF.
Registration and Networking 5:30, Start 6:00, End 9:15
If you have any questions about the event, please get in touch with our Regional President Rob May, emailing [email protected] or call him on 07932 758 522
Keynote speakers

Diversity Thinker, Author & a winner in the European Court of Justice
There are speakers who have led a conventional life, then there are those with experiences beyond the routine and Shelley is certainly among the latter. She has been a media commentator specialising in psychotherapy, psychology, and Coaching with appearances on BBC Television, Sky News, Channel 4 and 5 as well Radio 4’s “Woman’s Hour” “Midweek” and the “Jeremy Vine Show” on Radio 2. She has also featured in “Psychologies,” and “Therapy Today” magazines.
Shelley’s mission is to empower a new breed of Entrepreneur or Leader committed to affecting positive sustainable change in the world they inhabit.
As a Speaker, Shelley’s principal topics include Transformational Change, Diversity Thinking & Developing a Fearless Mindset.
Shelley’s TEDX talk “Dare to be You” was described as “Brilliant, brave & sensational!”
Having originally trained in the hospitality industry, Alastair has over 30 years of experience presenting on television and on stage. For the last decade, he’s been a communications expert and now specialises in generational communication. With his company Present Yourself, he also helps individuals and organisations communicate more effectively. He’s a fellow of the PSA and serves on the PSA board as Director of Regions.
The venue
Get in touch with the organiser

Rob May
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PSA South East June 2023: Dare to be you and present so that people listen
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