
PSA Scotland April 2023: Mastermind Your Network

19 April|18:15 - 21:15|PSA Scotland - Apex Waterloo, Edinburgh - See full address

About this event

How effective is your network at providing speaking/business referrals?
How clear are you on what type of referrals you want?
How could your network and relationships be improved?
Do you even have a recognisable network?
As a solopreneur, how could you obtain support when faced with challenges, issues and opportunities?

With both a keynote on the benefits of Mastermind Groups and a Masterclass on networking, our value-packed PSA Scotland April event, will help you answer these key questions (and more) through the experience and expertise of Andrew Dobbin (owner of The Business Mindset).

You’ll also have the chance to network with fellow speakers and learn more about what they’re doing to stay motivated and productive.

Tea/coffee and a light buffet supper will be provided.


Masterclass session: How to Build a Network that Generates a Continuous Stream of Referrals – with Andrew Dobbin

Our Masterclass offers invaluable insights and actionable strategies for establishing and sustaining a network of contacts that consistently refer business or opportunities to you. Attendees can expect to gain practical tips on identifying and targeting the right individuals or groups to network with, cultivating and nurturing relationships, and providing value to their network to encourage referrals. The ultimate objective of this talk is to empower attendees to develop a robust and dependable referral network that can drive business growth.

You will learn how to…

  • Understand the definition of a business referral and how it differs from other types of business leads.
  • Set a clear goal for the type of referred business you want to generate, such as specific industries or types of clients.
  • Identify your target market and the individuals or groups who are most likely to refer business to you within that market.
  • Build and nurture your referral network by establishing and maintaining relationships with your contacts.
  • Follow a structured 5 step approach to giving & generating quality referrals


Keynote: The Power of Collective Wisdom – Unlocking Results through a Business Mastermind – with Andrew Dobbin

When it comes to achieving business success, many entrepreneurs and professionals rely on their own expertise and experience. However, even the most accomplished individuals can benefit from the collective wisdom and perspective of a business mastermind.

In this Keynote session, Andrew Dobbin will illustrate how the collective wisdom of a Mastermind group can unlock new possibilities and insights that would not have been possible to achieve on an individual basis. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of a group of like-minded individuals, entrepreneurs and professionals can accelerate their growth and achieve results that may have otherwise been out of reach.


Showcase: Dr. Sue Mitchell will present a 20min ‘Showcase’.


So don’t miss out! Register for PSA Scotland’s value-packed April event today. It will be held at the Apex (Waterloo Place) Hotel in Edinburgh, on Wednesday 19th April 2023.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Keynote speakers

Andrew Dobbin
Regional President - Ireland
Andrew Dobbin - Regional President - Ireland

Andrew Dobbin is originally from Bushmills and now lives in Omagh, Northern Ireland. He moved there originally to look after a tyre depot for ATS Euromaster. He is very much a family man – married with 3 children. Omagh is his base for work and where he is active in the community through his church connections. His work used to be throughout Northern Ireland, ROI and GB. His scope of work has now extended globally due to the shift in society and is now working through online platforms.

His mission is to provide authentic mentoring individually or in a peer to peer (Mastermind Groups) setting where he enables business owners to develop and grow themselves and in turn their business. He is also helping coaches, consultants & trainers create a referral strategy for business growth. His aim is to develop individuals to impact their own life as well as their family and community.

Event agenda

Someone will be around so feel-free to arrive early
Light buffet - Meet and Mingle Networking Section
Share your good news
Membership insight
Member showcase with Dr Sue Mitchell
Keynote - The Power of Collective Wisdom – Unlocking Results through a Business Mastermind with Andrew Dobbin
Tea/coffee break
Masterclass - How to Build a Network that Generates a Continuous Stream of Referrals with Andrew Dobbin
Session Ends and we can chat in the bar

The venue

Apex Waterloo Place – Edinburgh

APEX Waterloo Place Hotel

Get in touch with the organiser

Jim Boyd

Regional President - Scotland

Buy tickets for:

PSA Scotland April 2023: Mastermind Your Network

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £25
  + VAT
Members Late Booker
 - £30
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £30
  + VAT