
PSA North West March 2023: Share your expertise, and help others share theirs too – let’s get you on a panel!

23 March|18:00 - 20:45| - See full address

About this event

A warm welcome to PSA North West from our Regional President, James Perryman and the gang.

The PSA theme for 2023 is “Just One Thing” and we’ll continue to bring that to life to support your personal, professional and business growth!

We’re meeting at The Village, Warrington for this February meeting, with an agenda that will open your eyes ad minds, and help you take practical small steps to success and wellbeing.

We’re continuing 2023 with an evening dedicated to the art of moderating and/or being an expert on Panels – as well as giving you time to relax, connect and network over some food and drink.


Our keynote speaker, former BBC business presenter Penny Haslam, is an award-winning speaker, coach and trainer on the subjects of Communication and Confidence.

Her business, Bit Famous, develops the communication capability and confidence of leaders and emerging talent in some of the world’s largest organisations, particularly in technology and finance sectors.

With the evenings meeting being focussed on Panel Discussions, Penny will share the best of what we need to know, with her keynote talk “Panel Discussions for Professional Speakers: The Ultimate Guide to Moderating and Appearing on Panel Discussions”.

Panel discussions are a mainstay of events, from huge in-person conferences to small online networking meetings. So if you’ve got the job of moderating one or being a panellist yourself, it makes sense to learn how to do it exceptionally well, from a professional panel discussion moderator.

In this expert session, Penny will share her vast experience and show you how to:

  • Prepare for success as the panel moderator
  • Perform brilliantly on the day and drive a dynamic and useful discussion
  • Confidently share your expertise and insights when you’re invited to take part as a panellist
  • And, give you top tips for getting on panel discussions in the first place.

And it doesn’t stop there…

…having heard all of these amazing tips, advice and knowledge from Penny, we’ll then run a panel or two of our own – providing a chance for any keen Moderators or Panellists to put it all into practice in a safe, supportive environment.

This will be an evening packed with learning, so whether you learn by listening/watching, reflecting or doing, you’re guaranteed to walk away with the skills and confidence to put yourself on that next Panel, or be the one at the front moderating it!


Grab your tickets now and continue your 2023 with impact!

Keynote speakers

Penny Haslam
Penny Haslam
Penny Haslam

Penny Haslam is an award-winning speaker, coach and trainer on the subjects of Communication and Confidence.

Her business, Bit Famous, develops the communication capability and confidence of leaders and emerging talent in some of the world’s largest organisations, particularly in technology and finance sectors.

Event agenda

Start, welcome from James
Ice Breaker activity to get to know each other
"Panel Discussions for Professional Speakers" – Main speaker Penny Haslam
Networking with food and drink
Interactive panel discussions – applying the learning!
'Just One Thing' commitments for the month ahead
Wrap-up, final messages and finish

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

James Perryman

Buy tickets for:

PSA North West March 2023: Share your expertise, and help others share theirs too – let’s get you on a panel!

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
+ VAT and fees
Members Standard
+ VAT and fees
Non Members Standard
+ VAT and fees