
PSA North West 19th April 2023: “Speaking from a stage” – TEDx & Speaker Factor masterclasses

19 April|18:00 - 20:45|The Village Hotel - Warrington - See full address

About this event

A warm welcome to PSA North West from our Regional President, James Perryman and the gang.

The PSA theme for 2023 is “Just One Thing” and we’ll continue to bring that to life to support your personal, professional and business growth!

We’re meeting at The Village hotel, Warrington (110 Centre Park Square, WA1 1QA) for this April meeting, with an agenda that will deliver the key takeaways you need to start your own TEDx journey, AND get yourself into the PSA Speaker Factor competition – as well as giving you time to relax, connect and network over some food and drink.



On the night, we’ll be joined by a variety of people who have experienced their own TEDx journey as a speaker or in support of speakers and events across the country.

The aim of this part of the evening is to help provide some direction and clarity to those who are aspiring TEDx speakers, and amidst a packed agenda, we’ll hear directly from the speakers about their individual journey, share what might be involved when applying and most crucially what you can do next to start your own TEDx journey.

And to kick off some of the evenings masterclasses, we’ll be joined by comedy performer John Cooper who will show us the power of bringing humour into speaking, and author/trainer Emma Baylin will help us learn how to breathe better in order to speak better.



If you’re considering entering the 2023 PSA Speaker Factor then you’re in for even more treats further into the evening!

Our very own Sue Evans, and previous Speaker Factor winner Heather Wright will kick off our final masterclass of the evening by sharing a competition winning 5-minute talk.

They will then deconstruct the talk, revealing their tips and advice on how you can produce your own awesome 5-minute Speaker Factor talk – with time at the end to answer your questions.


This will be an evening packed with advice, tips and practical learning, so whether you learn by listening or watching, reflecting or doing, you’re guaranteed to walk away with the knowledge, skills and confidence to put yourself on that road towards the TEDx stage AND put yourself forward for this years’ PSA Speaker Factor!

Grab your tickets now and get yourself ready to hit that stage!

Event agenda

Start, welcome from James
TEDx as seen through the eyes of TEDx-ers
TEDx Q&A session
Break for food and refreshments
Mini masterclass #1 – Bringing humour into speaking
Mini masterclass #2 – How to breathe better to speak better
TEDx – so what can you do next?
Speaker Factor – what is it?
Mini masterclass #3 – How to construct a 5-minute talk
Speaker Factor Q&A session
'Just One Thing' commitments for the month ahead
Wrap-up, final messages and finish

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

James Perryman

Buy tickets for:

PSA North West 19th April 2023: “Speaking from a stage” – TEDx & Speaker Factor masterclasses

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £25
  + VAT
Members Late Booker
 - £30
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £35
  + VAT