PSA Ireland 25th March 2023: Mastering Mindset – The Art of Reframe
25 March|09:30 - 13:00|Online - Zoom - See full address
About this event
This month at PSA Ireland sees a return to Zoom for our monthly event.
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10:45 am – 11:45am Disruption comes in many forms. This presentation acknowledges the fear and unease you may be feeling as result of the many changes you are dealing with from the global pandemic, to work from home, virtual and hybrid speaking and more. In this very personal and relatable presentation Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert, will share her story to help you reframe where you find yourself right now and regain perspective in these challenging times. This acclaimed, moving and high impact presentation will reset your mind and shift your heart around issues of loss of certainty, loss of control, grief and even feelings of guilt. You will walk away with frameworks, coping mechanisms and useful resources to help you to continue to win at work and life no matter what life throws at you. Everyone is asking how to future-proof themselves in these uncertain times. This talk will give you some of the keys. Some of the takeaways will be:
12 Noon – 1:00pm Aisling O’ Rourke Louise Lally |
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Online – Zoom
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PSA Ireland 25th March 2023: Mastering Mindset – The Art of Reframe
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