
PSA Birmingham July 2023: Competition and Care

03 July|18:00 - 20:45|The Arden Hotel - Solihull - See full address

About this event

On Monday 3rd July at PSA Birmingham you can examine two elements of your speaking career – Competition and Care.


The competition element is of course very friendly – it is the regional heat of Speaker Factor! We welcome our competitors who will entertain you with the fantastic Five minutes – and the results from our judges will be available on the night!


Our meeting begins with refreshments and networking from 6.00pm, (though I’ll be there from about 5:45pm) with a prompt – and slightly earlier – 6.20pm start with our speakers.


We will begin with our Speaker Factor Competition. We have our regional competitors lined up – but if you would like to enter there is still time! For this heat you need to enter by Tuesday June 27th please, and you can start the process here:


Then, after a short break…


Our leading Keynote this month comes from the fantastic Mike Pagan who will show us ‘Self Care for Speakers’.

Mike will ask: Where is Self-Care on your Agenda? Self-care that makes you focus on being number 1 comes in many different guises, what’s the best way for you?:
Meditation and Mindfulness
Eating and Drinking – Fasting
Cold / Ice Water bathing
Open Water Swimming
Knitting, Whittling, gardening, Origami or Writing Books?
(You don’t have to do all these – even if Mike does!)

Three main practical takeaways:

  • Putting self-care at the top of your agenda
  • It’s time to focus on becoming number 1 in your world.
  • Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it’s what helps the best to succeed

First time at a PSA event? Email [email protected] to get your special introductory code!

Keynote speakers

Mike Pagan
FPSA - Foundation Director
Mike Pagan - FPSA - Foundation Director

Mike is an expert in helping clients achieve positive mental wealth through building handpicked support networks and helping them unlock significant performance improvements. Mental wealth comes from pursuing your true potential and positive wellbeing with a committed support network, the Mental Wealth Team. Mike is a coach, author of four books and a non-executive director that is a little different; his approach is not standard – he can be blunt, direct, honest and open where necessary.

As the PSA’s Foundation Director, Mike’s main responsibilities are to support members in need and raise funds for their financial assistance. He offers help and lend a listening ear to members facing difficult situations. The support is tailored to individual needs. He makes discretionary payments for regional meetings and national conferences and can provide financial aid too. Some members approach Mike directly for support; others are mentioned to him, in total confidence, by other members.

Mike is passionate about fundraising for the Foundation – encouraging donations and running auctions and raffles at the Gala dinner, at our annual Speaking Business Summit – so we can continue to support our members.

Event agenda

Networking and refreshments – with fab chips!
Welcome from Regional President Phil Ingle
Speaker Factor Regional Heat
Short Break
Mike Pagan: Self Care for Speakers
Reflections and Just One Thing
Thank you & good night, with the bar nearby if you like….

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

Phil Ingle

FPSA - Finance Director

Buy tickets for:

PSA Birmingham July 2023: Competition and Care

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £30
  + VAT
Members Late Booker
 - £35
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £50
  + VAT