
PSA Birmingham September 2023: Burn brightly to build better business

04 September|18:00 - 20:45|The Arden Hotel - Solihull - See full address

About this event

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Don’t take your brilliance for granted! In September at PSA Birmingham the focus is on burning brightly to build better businesses while becoming brilliant!

Our meeting begins with refreshments and networking from 6.00pm, (though I’ll be there from about 545pm) with a prompt  – and slightly earlier – 6.20pm start with our speakers.


We will begin with (another) fabulous showcase, from “Dave the Coach”, known to us as Dave James. He has become a key feature of our meetings since joining at the start of the year! Dave will be sharing ‘The five pillars of being a happy human’.

Then, after a short break…


Our main session this month comes from the great Steve Catchick, who will present ‘The Dressing Gown – Sales through Service’.

Service used to be considered the back door to sales but today it is the key to unlock sales.

How do you differentiate yourself or your organisation? There is little that stands out in the marketplace for long, if at all. New technology and services are soon caught up by competitors.

The one distinction is the customer experience, which is today’s competitive battlefield and over which you have total control. It is the difference that makes the difference and can make or break a relationship and either lose or retain a customer.

Companies now attempt to address this but are many becoming focused on the process, rather than the customer? In this talk Steve focuses on the human touch and shows how being customer, not process focused –  whether a large company, a small business or a speaker – can drive engagement, reduce churn and win sales through service.

What are the key takeaways you can expect?

  • Learn three archetypes and discover how you may drift into each
  • Discover the elements leading to sales through service.
  • Discover how to be an ambassador in your business.
  • Find out why customers leave or switch supplier
  • Find out what would persuade customers to pay more.


This promises to be an incredible event that will add some real value to your speaking business, and indeed the rest of your life! So get your tickets early to avoid missing out!


Keynote speakers

Steve Catchick
Steve Catchick

Steve Catchick is the founder of The Secret Salesforce Programme and equips businesses to develop a team of Brand Ambassadors in order to drive engagement, reduce churn and contribute to profit.

He has been at the front line of customer service for over 25 years, mostly with technology companies. His award- winning customer service programme at IBM, contributed to a substantial increase in sales, customer satisfaction scores and a record high employee morale.

He speaks, coaches and runs masterclasses to business leaders and organisations such as IBM, Capita, DWP and SME’s on winning sales through service, managing difficult customers, high impact communication and presentation skills. Steve shows how everyone in an organisation is in some way, in sales, in service and should contribute to profit.

Steve is past Regional President of the PSA Thames Valley Region and a military veteran. Fun, friendly and engaging, when he’s not working, he can be found listening or dancing to Rock’n’Roll and Swing bands.

The venue

Get in touch with the organiser

Phil Ingle

FPSA - Finance Director

Buy tickets for:

PSA Birmingham September 2023: Burn brightly to build better business

Ticket types

Members Early Bird
 - £30
  + VAT
Members Late Booker
 - £35
  + VAT
Non Members
 - £50
  + VAT